Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Margaret's Bird (What's wrong with choosing Security over Freedom?)

This story of Margaret's Bird tells about a bird who chose to value the security of his cage over the freedom of his life.

Many people do this in life and I was one of those people for the greatest percentage of my life to date. 

When we willingly submit to the authority of others or play by other peoples rules and the restrictions that they would put upon us.

When we don't feel free we feel restricted, and when we feel restricted we feel small and relatively insignificant, if we feel small and of little significance we feel of little value to others, and if we feel of little value to others we feel insecure within ourselves.

The problem that so many of us face is our innate desire to please other people and simply be accepted by them, which is very natural and common. However, if our need to be accepted by others comes at the cost of our personal freedom, the only person we are truly making miserable in life is ourselves.

The need to feel significant, of value to others and secure within ourselves is the one commonality that drives and governs us all. This need is greater than any restraints a government may place upon us or any degree of acceptance we may feel from others.

The only real security is not in owning or possessing, not in demanding or expecting, not in hoping, even. Security in a relationship lies neither in looking back to what it was, nor forward to what it might be, but living in the present and accepting it as it is now.

That famous quote by Benjamin Franklin that "Those who would give up freedom, to purchase a piece of temporary Safety, deserve neither Freedom nor Safety" 

This may be why so many people feel, insecure, insignificant and of little value to others.

Being free means that all these other things can only become a byproduct!

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