Wednesday, 20 November 2013

How to STOP Negative Thoughts (or at least Manage them better)

We're all bombarded with 1,000,001 thoughts each day - and for many of us, the greatest percentage of these are negative and very highly self-destructive.

In today's Vlog I've tried to discuss how 'unfortunately', there is no way to prevent these negative thoughts: however, there is a way how to understand them and also a very effective way to manage them!

Millions of people all around the world are looking for practical answers on ways of which to overcome low self esteem, increase confidence, how to boost self confidence, how to stop negative thoughts and think more positively.

As we've all heard the saying 'a thought just came into my head' ... this is crucial in growing to realise that all thoughts DO come into our heads and were NOT there before we began thinking about them.

In the same way that we have no control as to whether we even wake up tomorrow morning, we have no control over the thoughts that come into our heads - however, we DO have 100% complete control over the thoughts we choose to focus on and the thoughts that we choose to reject.

Learning to become more aware of our thoughts on a momentary basis is the first radical step towards becoming more self aware, and ultimately becoming able to choose which thoughts we pay homage to and invest our time into.

Just because we have thoughts is no indication that there is any substance to them whatsoever. If we choose to focus on negative thoughts, we will feel bad, and if we choose to focus on the good ones, we feel good - there is no such thing as bad thoughts, it is just the way about these thoughts that are either good or bad.

So if we can learn to police our thoughts more effectively by becoming aware of what we're thinking more regularly, we can radically alter the way that we feel on a regular basis - and if we can change how we feel, we will be able to make more well informed and mature decisions which in turn will determine the outcomes of our lives.

So ... to ultimately be able to change the outcomes in our lives which we will often have so many negative thoughts about, we must first learn to self-govern and MANAGE our thoughts before we could ever expect to change the way that we feel, our behaviours and actions, and ultimately the outcomes of our lives.


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