Wednesday 20 November 2013

Banana Policy (where policy & other bad habits come from)

We all have different standards and each play by a different set of rules as we journey through life.

We've all had different experiences of family, education, success and failure which is what moulds into who we are.

In this free life coaching video I have tried to share the damaging nature of playing by others peoples rules. The main problem with playing by the rules of others is that the rules are THEIRS, they're calling the shots and you never stood a chance of winning in the first pace. 

Our rules in life can become damaging when we don't question or understand where the rules even came from in the first place. 

As Sociologists around the world continue to debate whether its society that influences the individual or whether its the individual that effects society... I answer yes and YES by trying to show you how the lessons and rules we learn to live by as children will influence how the rest of our lives unfold.

If you don't understand the rules you're playing by in life, you might never be as effective as you'd wish. Attempting to conform to and play by the rules of others, doesn't just rip you off personally, but also rips off the rest of the world from benefitting from who you could be if you were free.

The Story of Banana Policy:

5 monkeys were locked in a room with a banana hanging from the roof on a string and a set of stairs under it. 

In time, one monkey went to the stairs and began to climb toward the banana. 

As soon as this monkey touched the stairs, all the other monkeys were hosed with icey cold water.

After a while another monkey made an attempt with the same result. All the other monkeys were sprayed with cold water. 

Pretty soon, when another monkey went to climb the stairs, the other monkeys all tried to prevent it. 

At this point, no more monkeys were to be hosed down and one monkey from the room was replaced with a fresh new monkey. The new monkey sees the banana and goes to climb the stairs but to his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted. 

Eventually of the original five monkeys get replaced with some new ones and every time a newcomer goes for the banana he gets attacked and badly beaten. Each time a new monkey enters the room, the previous newcomers takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm!

Over a period of days, weeks or years, every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked without ever knowing why. 

Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they weren't allowed to climb the stairs or even why they're taking part in beating up the new monkey. 

After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys were ever sprayed with cold water, but no monkey would ever approach the stairs to go for that banana ...


Because that's the way things always been done and thats how Banana Policy starts.

Rules have been made to be questioned!


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