Wednesday, 20 November 2013

It's OK Just to be Yourself: Part 2

It's true that if we don't know who we are in life, we'll never know how to effectively act, behave or build healthy relationships.

The root cause of so many of the negative emotions we face in life is in our attempts to be accepted, liked and loved by others when we haven't yet paid that very compliment to ourselves.

As we journey through life we can wear a number of different masks, of who we become when associating with differing types of people. The problems come though, when if these masks that we wear come at the cost of other people being able to fully know WHO we are in order to be ABLE to fully accept us.

If we haven't yet grown to understand and accept who we are as individuals, how could we ever be able to expect others to do so?

In this Vlog, I have attempted to share the extent of the problems that can arise from not knowing how to accept who you are. I share a true story about a girl who had suffered with anxiety and low confidence for years before coming to this revelation.

This revelation has radically changed everything about my life, it has also radically changed the thinking patterns of the girls I've just mentioned.

It's my hope in that sharing this video, you will come to this revelation too.


It's OK Just to be Yourself: Part 1

Permission Granted: Just be Yourself

I have yet to attend a networking event or random introduction where I've encountered anyone, upon the initial exchanging of pleasantries, to share openly, about who they actually are, opposed to what it is that they do in life.

I'm taking for granted here that one of our primary goals in life is to be liked, loved and ultimately fully accepted by others (unconditionally).

I wonder what would happen if we were to exchange our cultural norm of defining ourselves to others by disclosing 'the things that we do', with simply defining ourselves to others by disclosing 'who we actually are'?

If this was to become a new cultural habit, would this mean that in turn, people would become more congruent and effective in their relationships and throughout the other most important areas of our lives?

There's 1,000,001 definitions of success available to us in offline and online, however I wonder that if we were to learn how to clearly define who it is that we are as Human Beings, opposed to building our personal standards upon the things that we do as Human Doings, would this leave people available to live more confident and stress free lives?

Please leave me your thoughts and ides's on this one guys ;)


How Living Larger can change your life (Becoming Bigger)

Human beings are without a shadow of a doubt the greatest invention in the world, however, they do seem to be one of the most undervalued and unrecognised pieces of creative brilliance in the entire history of time as we know it.

Through the duration of my limited time here on Planet Earth having had travelled the world with the good fortune to experience and understand a wide range of the differing and contrasting global cultures, I have grown to recognise ONE universal trend:

And this trend is that BIG people, live BIGGER, bolder, more confident and effective lives.

BIG people lead, BIG people initiate, BIG people are more popular, they have wider social circles and generally live BIGGER and more exciting lives.

BIG people take greater risks, the achieve greater things, they think BIGGER thoughts and have greater hopes and dreams for life than what small people do.

BIG people are more generous people, they are more loving people, they are more reliable people and are more compassionate people. BIG people are generally less consumed within themselves and are more commonly a pleasure to be around.

Smaller people will often feel threatened and intimidated by BIG people, however, they secretly wish that they were actually more like them and they knew how to boost self confidence, confidence, boldness and self esteem.

People who experience many of the greatest difficulties in life are often motivated and driven by building BIG things on the outside of themselves such as bank balances, stockpiles of material possessions, businesses and organisations and their own ranks, social statuses and reputations.

When people on their journey through life learn how to become BIGGER on the inside, BIGGER in their thinking, BIGGER in their believing, BIGGER in their expectations and BIGGER in their overall being; the outside world will begin to feel smaller, less intimidating, more manageable and more easily and effectively influenced.

Being BIGGER benefits everyone and today it can begin on the inside of YOU.

How much BIGGER could YOU be??


Why you NEVER feel good enough (the GODS always tell how USELESS you are)


Today I've tried to discuss the 'idea' behind people's worshipping habits of the ancient gods, and in similarity, peoples worshipping habits in the 21st century.

Worshipping isn't necessarily a religious term, but can be applied to the things in life that we simply devote ourselves, our time and our energies to.

In humanities quest for meaning and purpose, significance and security, throughout the ages people from all walks of life and nationalities have made sacrifices to wooden idols, golden calfs, larger bank accounts and demanding bosses at the cost of loving relationships, healthy self esteem and our own mental and emotional wellbeing.

Although I discuss the ancient Greek gods of years gone by, I've tried to paint a picture of the more modern gods that people commit their lives to serving today.

If you are unable to identify whats coming first in your life, you may never be able to understand the root of the insecurities, self doubts, low confidences and self esteems that so many of us experience as we journey though life.


How to STOP Negative Thoughts (or at least Manage them better)

We're all bombarded with 1,000,001 thoughts each day - and for many of us, the greatest percentage of these are negative and very highly self-destructive.

In today's Vlog I've tried to discuss how 'unfortunately', there is no way to prevent these negative thoughts: however, there is a way how to understand them and also a very effective way to manage them!

Millions of people all around the world are looking for practical answers on ways of which to overcome low self esteem, increase confidence, how to boost self confidence, how to stop negative thoughts and think more positively.

As we've all heard the saying 'a thought just came into my head' ... this is crucial in growing to realise that all thoughts DO come into our heads and were NOT there before we began thinking about them.

In the same way that we have no control as to whether we even wake up tomorrow morning, we have no control over the thoughts that come into our heads - however, we DO have 100% complete control over the thoughts we choose to focus on and the thoughts that we choose to reject.

Learning to become more aware of our thoughts on a momentary basis is the first radical step towards becoming more self aware, and ultimately becoming able to choose which thoughts we pay homage to and invest our time into.

Just because we have thoughts is no indication that there is any substance to them whatsoever. If we choose to focus on negative thoughts, we will feel bad, and if we choose to focus on the good ones, we feel good - there is no such thing as bad thoughts, it is just the way about these thoughts that are either good or bad.

So if we can learn to police our thoughts more effectively by becoming aware of what we're thinking more regularly, we can radically alter the way that we feel on a regular basis - and if we can change how we feel, we will be able to make more well informed and mature decisions which in turn will determine the outcomes of our lives.

So ... to ultimately be able to change the outcomes in our lives which we will often have so many negative thoughts about, we must first learn to self-govern and MANAGE our thoughts before we could ever expect to change the way that we feel, our behaviours and actions, and ultimately the outcomes of our lives.


Everybody Counts (being confident in who you are)

The root cause behind many of the insecurities and negative emotions that people experience in life are often due the lack of confidence and certainty that people have in who they are.

In the same way that I did for a number of years, many people go through life simply wishing their time away. Either wishing they were someone else, wishing they were something else, wishing they were somewhere else and wishing they had somebody else's life.

It's easy to think that who we are isn't important or of value to anyone or anything else in the world and that we don't have an impact. It's also easy to say "I'm too small" or think that what you say and do with your life doesn't matter.

But it does - you just haven't figured out HOW yet!

In today's Vlog, I've attempted to tell a story about how easy it is to envy the lives of others, the possessions of others and the fame and fortune of others whilst completely failing to realise how if we were commit to simply being who we innately know ourselves to be, we all have the unique capacity to change the world and make a difference in some way.

We are all faced with different and unique opportunities in life every single day, however most fail to recognise them due to the fact that they often coming disguised as problems and the other reason being that we're often too busy looking for a better life and far greener grass on the other side of the fence.

When we're too busy looking at the greener grass in everyone else's gardens it's easy to fail to recognise the green grass in our own back yards.

How to KNOW your Life's Purpose (in 14:23 minutes)

Our Life's Purpose is something that most people throughout the ages have sought to discover but only few have even grown to understand or be able to define, so in this Vlog I've tried to share the first few significant steps you can take towards not just finding your purpose for living, but for completely transforming your life.

Learning who you are is the most important step towards finding your life purpose. Tour life purpose is what you are here to achieve by simply being true to who you know yourself to be. One you know who you are (and I'll continue to post new video's in order to help you understand this), you simply need to identify your element.

But being in your element is more than doing what you're good at. Many people are good at things they're not passionate about at all! To be in your element you've got to naturally love what you do and also be naturally good at doing it.

Finding your element in life is vital to fully understanding who you are and what you're capable of being and doing with your life, this provides you your purpose. 

Human resources are like natural resources: they're often buried beneath the surface and you have to make an effort to find them. On the whole, we do a poor job of that in our schools, businesses and communities and governments pay a huge price for that failure. 

I'm not suggesting here that if everyone find's their element all of our social and relational problems will disappear, however it would certainly make a difference.

Being in your element and finding your life's purpose is not only about what you do for a living but is is fundamentally about enhancing the balance of your life as a whole.

When you understand your purpose in life you become able to overcome anxiety, depression and the other debilitating negative emotions we can experience throughout our lives, as well as being able to enhance and transform our relationships by growing to become the very best that be are able to be.

If you are not growing and developing in life you are going backwards and dying, which makes the road of finding your purpose in life not just and exciting one, but absolutely crucial.

I hope that this makes a difference in your life, it definitely made a difference in mine!


How to FIND your life purpose (in 6:29 minutes)

In today's short Vlog, I'll ask you a series of profound and critical questions about the reasons behind 'WHY' you do the things that you do in life.
King Solomon, son of David, the once King of Israel wrote 'Without vision, man perishes'
Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple during its initial startup said, "There's something going on here... something that is changing the world... and this is the epicentre".

Now whatever these men's perspectives were on life, they have both impacted the world in two contrasting yet phenomenal ways!

We've all heard the saying "Life is a journey" which unfortunately doesn't help us too much when things get desperate in the midst of out circumstances -- and we've all been there at some point!

In the same way in would be unrealistic for the farmer to yield a crop on the same day as he plants his seed, it would unrealistic to believe that the student will be offered a top corporate job whilst on his 2nd year in study. 

In the same way again, to move forward out of whatever difficulties you're currently facing -- time, persistence, endurance and perseverance are the key elements needed that'll get you closer to your goals.

The same is true for all areas in life. Before you commit to relationships, jobs, study courses, investments (of time or money), having a reason WHY you want to do any of these things is fundamental to your getting to wherever it is you want to end up.

There are a million and one get rich quick schemes with a million and one people trying to sell them, trying to get rich, or to get famous, or to find prestige, security or significance - which aren't bad things within themselves, but without a strong enough reason WHY, will generally turn into just desperate attempts at trying to achieve something ... ANYTHING!!

A Vision is something you can focus on, therefore focus is what you are looking at, in the future -- like your life will be better when you get to this place, except tomorrow doesn't quite come around for many people, and why? It's often due to our perspective.

Vision is what you're looking at, whereas perspective is where you're looking from.

Many people wish to be more effective in managing or preventing negative thoughts, reducing anxiety and stress, or increasing their self-esteem and confidence.

Unless you know WHY you're living, the things that you do can become meaningless and insignificant ...
... and if you're not standing firm for something, you can end up falling for anything!

Success, Deal or No Deal (When success can rip us off!)

I have yet to attend a networking event or random introduction where I've encountered anyone, upon the initial exchanging of pleasantries, to share openly, about who they actually are, opposed to what it is that they do in life.

I am taking for granted here that one of our primary goals in life is to be liked and ultimately accepted by others.

I wonder what would happen if we were to exchange our cultural norm of defining ourselves to others by disclosing 'the things that we do', with simply defining ourselves to others by disclosing 'who we actually are'?

If this was to become a new cultural habit, would this mean that in turn, people would become more congruent and effective in their relationships and throughout the other most important areas of our lives?

There's 1,000,001 definitions of success available to us in offline and online, however I wonder that if we were to learn how to clearly define who it is that we are as Human Beings, opposed to building our personal standards upon the things that we do as Human Doings, would this leave people available to live more confident and stress free lives?

In today's Vlog, I've attempted to share a number of stories about the damaging nature of seeking success within itself if within itself as I look at an interview that was carried out with Madonna a number of years ago, in relation to her quest for success and in turn the problems she encountered whilst doing this.

There is nothing wrong with being successful in life, as long as you have your own definition of it and NOT someone else's!


Guaranteed Unfairness (How to handle the Tough Times in Life)

In today's Vlog which some may find to be somewhat 'controversial' (but hopefully inoffensive), I've attempted to share a series of stories and illustrations about the 'fast ball's' that life throws that often seem highly unfair.

What we think about the things that happen to us live will determine how we feel, and how we feel will determine how we act and respond, then how we act and respond to the things that happen to us in life will determine the outcomes in our lives; good or bad!

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity that we WILL experience in life, such as:

there's a time to be born and a time to die,

a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build back up again,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

I'm sure that all of us have experienced many of these seasons already - if not ALL of them throughout the course of our lives.

We cause our pain with our thoughts as whatever we focus on we will feel.  Everything that happens to us is neither good or bad, it just is. Whatever we choose to think about a situation is what ends up making the situation good or bad.

Learning to step back and accept what is happening in our lives is what some people may call faith, but what others may call living life to its fullest.

If we can learn that when we're sad and grieving, it's OK to be sad. Feel it, and move on. This doesn't mean wallow in sadness and use it as an excuse not to do anything, it means feel it when it's there, accept it and move on.

There is nothing new under the sun and anything you find difficulty with in life, someone else has already overcome.


In Which You Trust (will either Make you or BREAK you!)

In today's Vlog, I've attempted to discuss how our misplaced priorities and values in life can become the root source of many of the negative emotions we experience: such as anxiety, low self esteem, lack of confidence and even depression.

The reason why many people do the things that they do in life is based upon the feelings they expect to experience by doing those things.

The problem with thinking this way and adopting this approach to life is that changing our outcomes will only ever allow us to feel emotionally better for a very short period of time.

It is our thoughts that produce the feelings we experience on a daily basis and it is those feelings that result in our responses or reactions to the situations we find ourselves in.

If we feel bad about a situation we find ourselves in we will generally react impulsively which can cause no end of consequential new problems, however when we respond to a situation we have made a well calculated decision and are making a decision based upon logic and wisdom opposed to our emotional state.

All of humanity share the same inner values of wanting to feel secure within themselves, significant in the world and of value to others. Everybody wants to feel special and unique.

If the things of life in which we trust to provide us with feelings of security, significance and value let us down, this becomes the root of all the debilitating emotions I mentioned above.

So the question is, what gives you hope in life and how well is it serving you?


How to Overcome Depression (The Mis-Understood Epidemic)

I have created this Vlog upon request, in which I share a number of simple steps that can be taken towards stopping negative thoughts,ways to prevent and reduce anxiety and ultimately the strategy I took to overcome depression.

Before I learned how to take control of my life back in 2008 I struggled for a number of years with depression, anxiety, alcoholism and drug addiction, not realising that the outcomes of my life at that time, were actually of my own choosing.

Upon making a decision to change i then took action and committed to trying new things such as getting involved in an amateur musical performance of which I performed in front of over 10,000 people - this was pretty life changing!

As I continued to put myself to the test, it was only then that I began to realise the only person in the world who was qualified enough to change my life for me .... was me.

By learning to grow, develop and understand our thoughts and emotions, we almost instantaneously become empowered to take complete control of our lives, increase our levels of confidence and self esteem, discover our life's passions which (if we dig deep enough) can lead us to our purpose in life.

If you are committed towards overcoming your emotional difficulties, please subscribe to my YouTube channel where I will regularly be uploading new video's about how to overcome the most challenging circumstances that we can face throughout life.

I hope this helps someone,


Dealing with Anxiety (and how to get rid of it)

Anxiety is something we all experience from time to time. Most people can relate to feeling tense, uncertain and, perhaps, fearful at the thought of sitting an exam, going into hospital, attending an interview or starting a new job. 

You might worry about feeling uncomfortable, being rejected or about what's going to happen in your future. In turn, these worries can affect your sleep, appetite and ability to concentrate.

In this Vlog I've tried to share some practical and effective insights of some simple steps that work for reducing and overcoming our common feelings of anxiety.

I know first hand how difficult it can be to suffer with anxiety as I suffered for over 6 years from PTSD and Social Anxiety upon leaving the Armed Forces in 2004.

I know how difficult it can be to feel stressed, depressed, anxious and full of worry - to even sometimes feel like you're completely losing your mind!

A few years ago, I learned how to overcome anxiety simply and naturally by using very basic techniques, and by applying a number of changes to my life. In this short video I'll share a handful of helpful hints and tips about how to prevent and reduce anxiety - fast!

I hope that this helps you if you need it!


Secrets of Time Travel Part 2 (Using your mind as a Time Machine)

In this first part of this series, I discussed how there's no need to travel faster than light or to break the laws of physics to be able to achieve time travel.

If you are a human being and have been for some time, you'll already be doing it every single day and most likely, without even realising it.

To be able to Time Travel effectively all that you need is access a world that's not subject to time, i.e. your MIND!

In the first part of this 2 part series, I talk about how to use your mind as a time machine to heal your past, transform your present and create your ideal future,and in this part, I simply build upon this thought.

I go on to share more stories and real life insights about how everyday we travel back into our pasts, or forward into our future and draw from events and experiences which affect how we live in the present.

If we find it difficult to live fully in the present and therefore spend high quantities of our time in our memories of the past or about some time in the future when 'life will be better ...', this can often be the cause of many of the negative emotions we experience in life such as anger and frustration, anxiety and fear, guilt, shame and often even depression.

Our life histories provide us with unlimited opportunity to interpret, understand and learn from in order to make sense of our lives to date, then in in turn find our lives meaning which can provide us with vision, purpose and direction for our futures.

The root of many depression, anxiety and stress related problems stem from either events that have already happened in our pasts, or future events that haven't yet happened. 

If we become able to enjoy living in the 'here and now' and appreciate our experiences, we will feel empowered to live more fully, effectively and passionately as we move forward into a future of significance and purpose.

Living in the 'Now' will help you to prevent and overcome any feelings of stress and anxiety about the future (which hasn't even happened yet), or even depression (based upon things that did or didn't happen to us in the past).

This is the secret to time travel, and every single day you can use your mind as a time machine.

If you've enjoyed these Vlogs, please feel free to leave me some feedback,


Secrets of Time Travel Part 1 (Using your mind as a Time Machine)

There's no need to travel faster than light or to break the laws of physics to be able to achieve time travel.

If you are a human being and if you have been for some time, you'll already be doing it every single day and most likely, no even knowing it!

To be able to Time Travel effectively all that you need is access a world that's not subject to time, i.e. your MIND!

In the first part of this 2 part series, I talk about how to use your mind as a time machine to heal your past, transform your present and create your ideal future.

I share some stories and real life insights about how everyday we travel back into our pasts, or forward into our future and draw from events and experiences which affect how we live in the present.

If we find it difficult to live fully in the present and therefore spend high quantities of our time in our memories of the past or about some time in the future when 'life will be better ...', this can often be the cause of many of the negative emotions we experience in life such as anger and frustration, anxiety and fear, guilt, shame and often even depression.

Our life histories provide us with unlimited opportunity to interpret, understand and learn from in order to make sense of our lives to date, then in in turn find our lives meaning which can provide us with vision, purpose and direction for our futures.

The root of many depression, anxiety and stress related problems stem from either events that have already happened in our pasts, or future events that haven't yet happened. 

If we become able to enjoy living in the 'here and now' and appreciate our experiences, we will feel empowered to live more fully, effectively and passionately as we move forward into a future of significance and purpose.

Living in the 'Now' will help you to prevent and overcome any feelings of stress and anxiety about the future (which hasn't even happened yet), or even depression (based upon things that did or didn't happen to us in the past).

This is the secret to time travel, and every single day you can use your mind as your own personal time machine.

I hope you enjoy the video,


Building BALLS of STEEL (and further developing your confidence)

How can we feel more confident when we're not too sure about who we truly are and when we don't know our life's purpose?

The answer is: we cant - unless we're telling ourselves lies!

Sometimes we may feel unconfident about a situation or experience low self esteem when we have been let down in some way.

There is a simple formula for boosting self-esteem and increasing confidence which involves stopping doing the things you don't enjoy for money in life, and starting to commit towards being the best that you can be at offering a service to the world that takes its form in whatever you're naturally good at, and what you love doing the most.

Overcoming low self esteem can be a very fast process when you discover your passion and find a way to become financially sustained through it: for some this may be through music, for others this may be through the arts, for some this may be through building successful businesses whilst for others this may be through changing the world in some way.

Whatever your passion is and wherever you see an imperfection in your world provides a phenomenal opportunity for YOU to do what it takes to make positive changes in this area.

When you fully understand who you are and what you can offer to the world, your confidence can only explode due to the significance you feel in taking the practical steps towards leaving a meaningful legacy in the way that only you can.

I've aimed to share a few thought provoking insights in today's Vlog so as always, if you've got anything from this - please feel free to leave me some feedback.


How to Be More Confident (& change the way you feel)

As we journey through life we can make up to 1000's of decisions every single day, with each one of these decisions being based on the emotional outcome we would like to experience by making it.

The greatest reason why most people do anything in life is to change the way they feel sometimes.

Whether you'd like to make more money, lose some weight, or buy a new phone, car or item of clothing, you make each decision based upon the expected and desired outcome you expect each decision will give you - generally, an emotion (which is usually to feel better, more confident, secure or significant) 

For example, you may believe that losing some bodyweight will allow you to feel more confident or give you improved self esteem. Or, by being in a relationship will make you feel more secure, loved and valued. Some people believe that making more money will be the remedy to feeling insignificant and insecure or of little value to the world.

The problem with all these things is that when we look to things on the 'outside of us' to fix some negative emotions on the 'inside of us', they are seldom able to do so for any longer than a very short period of time.

Most people wait and put off the emotions they want to experience, instead of realising the truth: you are capable of experiencing the emotions you really want to experience in life as soon as you learn to understand and take control of your thinking.

No one has the capability to produce thoughts - they come from somewhere else! However, we all have complete control over the thoughts that that we accept and the thoughts that we reject, because whatever thought we choose to focus on will determine the emotions we feel.

I'm going to produce as much free content as possible on this topic as it is one that's taken me a couple of years to be able to fully grasp.

The best way that I'm able to define the steps you can take to change the way you feel sometimes are:

  • Become aware that you are completely in control of choosing the thoughts that you focus on.
  • You do not produce the thoughts in the first place - they come from somewhere else.
  • You ARE NOT your thoughts.
  • You ARE NOT your feelings.
  • With self-discipline you CAN learn to POLICE your thoughts and choose to accept the good ones, then likewise, completely reject the ones that are not serving you well.
  • Your thoughts produce emotions.
  • Your emotions produce your actions and responses.
  • Your actions and responses produce the outcomes you experience in your like that ultimately enhance your emotions.
  • If you can change your thinking, you can change your life's outcomes.

I understand that I've provided a lot of quite complex information in this Vlog, but for you to get a better understanding of what I'm sharing here, please subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'll be making regular posts on this topic with hopefully a few more impacting insights.


Margaret's Bird (What's wrong with choosing Security over Freedom?)

This story of Margaret's Bird tells about a bird who chose to value the security of his cage over the freedom of his life.

Many people do this in life and I was one of those people for the greatest percentage of my life to date. 

When we willingly submit to the authority of others or play by other peoples rules and the restrictions that they would put upon us.

When we don't feel free we feel restricted, and when we feel restricted we feel small and relatively insignificant, if we feel small and of little significance we feel of little value to others, and if we feel of little value to others we feel insecure within ourselves.

The problem that so many of us face is our innate desire to please other people and simply be accepted by them, which is very natural and common. However, if our need to be accepted by others comes at the cost of our personal freedom, the only person we are truly making miserable in life is ourselves.

The need to feel significant, of value to others and secure within ourselves is the one commonality that drives and governs us all. This need is greater than any restraints a government may place upon us or any degree of acceptance we may feel from others.

The only real security is not in owning or possessing, not in demanding or expecting, not in hoping, even. Security in a relationship lies neither in looking back to what it was, nor forward to what it might be, but living in the present and accepting it as it is now.

That famous quote by Benjamin Franklin that "Those who would give up freedom, to purchase a piece of temporary Safety, deserve neither Freedom nor Safety" 

This may be why so many people feel, insecure, insignificant and of little value to others.

Being free means that all these other things can only become a byproduct!

If you find this Vlog helpful, please feel free to leave a comment ;)


Choosing Rules (Where do YOUR beliefs come from?)

Sometimes, living and leading your life isn't too easy. 

It may often mean freeing yourself from the rules and regulations of others. That freedom can be initially terrifying and painful, which is why so few people do it. It is far easier to just follow the rules of society, even when this leaves us feeling lifeless and unfulfilled.

Have a look at the following rules and work out how implementing some of them into your life might not just benefit you, but everyone else you know:

1) Never let another person dictate the terms for living your life.

Not your parents. Not your spouse. Not your kids. Leading your life means you can accept the input of other people, but the final decision is yours. This means that career choice, relationships, beliefs and way of life are to be judged by you, not anyone else.

This rule holds especially when you have doubts. Don't let your moment of doubt become a weakness to be exploited by others. Not sure what you want to do with your life? Don't sit passively and let other people decide for you.

2) Don't become enslaved to your stuff.

The world is filled with stuff. Don't let stuff get in the way of what is important. When you become chained to your stuff, you are no longer leading your life. Ask yourself: if you had to give up 90% of your net worth tomorrow to pursue your dream, would you do it effortlessly? If you hesitated, you might be a little bit enslaved to your stuff.

3) Be money's master and don't let money master you.

Money is a resource that can be applied when leading your life. You can use it to reduce discomforts, focus on meaningful work and apply it to help you learn and improve. But if you're living pay cheque to pay cheque, the money is in control.

4) You come first in relationships.

In any relationship you need to be the person that comes first. That means that while you might enjoy the relationship, it doesn't become the major purpose in your life.

Your purpose and leading your life must come before any relationship you enter. The surprising fact is that when you do this, you are able to have healthier personal and intimate relationships because there is no need for jealousy or possession.

5) Think for yourself and work out your own difficulties.

Leading your own life means leading your own beliefs. It means never accepting anything unless you can filter it through your reasoning and find it to be true. Think critically about everything in life.

6) You can learn how to do anything you need to learn.

There is absolutely nothing in life that you cannot learn to do so something stands as an obstacle in the way of the progress you make in life, learn, adapt and overcome!

Rule Seven: Live out your life purpose

Living out your life purpose could be defined by practically outworking the point where your innate and natural talents and your deepest passions and interests cross. This is your element, your purpose and the gift that you have for radically impacting the world in some way.

What I've tried to do in this Vlog is explore how we choose the rules that we live by in life, where they come from, and whether they're actually serving us or not?

I hope that you find this useful or thought provoking ;)
